"Explore, Create, Innovate: Embark on Coding Adventures"

Machine Learning for Image Recognition


Develop a machine learning model using Python and libraries like TensorFlow or Keras to recognize objects in images. Use datasets like CIFAR-10 or ImageNet to train the model and test its accuracy. Build a user-friendly interface to upload images and demonstrate the model's predictions.


Basic knowledge of Python programming and machine learning concepts.

Skills Gained:

Understanding of machine learning algorithms and neural networks. Image data preprocessing and model training. Implementing image recognition applications.

Mobile App Development - Task Manager


Design and develop a task manager mobile app for Android or iOS platforms. The app should allow users to create, edit, and manage their tasks, set reminders, and track task completion progress. Implement a clean and intuitive user interface to enhance user experience.


Familiarity with mobile app development (Android or iOS) and programming languages like Java, Kotlin, Swift, or Flutter.

Skills Gained:

Mobile app development for real-world applications. User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. Implementing features like reminders and data management.

Web Development - Website


Create a fully functional e-commerce website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and any back-end technologies like Node.js, Express, or Django. Implement features such as product listing, cart functionality, user authentication, and payment integration to create a seamless shopping experience.


Basic knowledge of web development technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back-end development (optional).

Skills Gained:

Building a complete web application from scratch. Working with databases and user authentication. Implementing e-commerce features and payment gateways.

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